Monday, September 28, 2009

Jewelry/Jewellery Set (DSC01021)

Product Description

Jewelry/Jewellery set:
1>Material: Alloy, cat eye
2>Plating: Imitation gold
3>Perfect appearance with high quality and low price
4>Provide the best design or according to your request
5>MOQ: 10 dozens
6>package: 1PC/Oppbag
7>Delivery time: 30days

Packing: Oppbag
Model NO.: DSC01021
Unit Price/Payment: Pls inquiry
Trademark: fengying
Origin: Made in China
Min. Order: 20 dozens
Transportation: FOB HK

Introduction to Foreign Exchange Markets

Being the main force driving the global economic market, currency is no doubt an essential element for a country. However, in order for all the countries with different currencies to trade with one another, a system of exchange rate between their currencies is needed; this system, is formally known as foreign exchange or currency exchange.

In the early days, the system of currency exchange is supported solely by the gold amount held in the vault of a country. However, this system is no longer appropriate now due to inflation and hence, the value of one’s currency nowadays is determined through the market forces alone. In order to determine the value of a currency’s exchange rate, two main types of system is used which is floating currency and pegged currency.

For floating exchange rate, its value is determined by the supply and demand of the global market where the supply and demand is bound by all these factors such as foreign investment, inflation and ratios of import and export. Normally, this system is adopted by most of the advance countries like for example UK, US and Canada. All of these countries have a similarity where their market is well developed and stable in economic terms. These countries choose to practice this system due to the reason where floating exchange rate is proven to be much more efficient compared to the pegged exchange rate. The reason behind this is because for floating exchange rate, the market itself will re-adjust the exchange rate real-time in order to portray the actual inflation and other economic forces. However, every system has its own flaw and so does the floating exchange rate system. For instance, if a country suffers from economic instability due to various reasons such as political issues, a floating exchange rate system will certainly discourage investment due to the high risk of suffering from inflationary disaster or sudden slump in exchange rate.

Another form of exchange rate is known as pegged exchange rate. This is a system where the value of the exchange rate is fixed by the government of a country and not the supply and demand of the market. This system is called pegged exchange rate because the value of a country’s currency is fixed to another country’s currency. As a result, the value of the pegged currency will not fluctuate unlike the floating currency. The working principle behind this system is slightly complicated where the government of a country will fixed the exchange rate of their currency and when there is a demand for a certain currency resulting a rise in the exchange rate, the government will have to release enough of that currency into the market in order to meet that demand. However, there is a fatal flaw in this system where if the pegged exchange rate is not controlled properly, panics may arise within the country and as a result of that, people will be rushing to exchange their money into a more stable currency. When that happens, the sudden overflow of that country’s currency into the market will decrease the value of their exchange rate and in the end, their currency will be worthless. Due to this reason, only those under-developed or developing countries will practice this method as a form to control the inflation rate.

However, the truth is, most of the countries do not fully practice the floating exchange rate or the pegged exchange rate method in reality. Instead, they use a hybrid system known as floating peg. Floating peg is the combination of the two main systems where one country will normally fixed their exchange rate to the US Dollars and after that, they will constantly review their peg rate in order to stay in line with the actual market value.

The Foreign exchange market, or commonly known as FOREX, is the largest and most prolific financial market because each day, more than 1 trillion worth of currency exchange takes place between investors, speculators and countries. From this, we can deduce that the actual mechanism behind the world of foreign exchange is far more complicated than what we may already know, and that, the information mentioned earlier is just the tip of an iceberg.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Tips to Increase Profits with Forex Trading

With so many people giving advice on how to be successful in the long term there are not many people giving information on how to quickly increase profits with forex trading. In order to continue forex trading you need to make some good money, in order to do this, you need to follow some easy to handle tips. These are all intended to help you really maximize your profits. Designed to be easy to use, these tips are useful for the beginner and the advanced forex trader.

You should consider increasing your trade amounts if you are only working with small amounts. Most experts agree that 2-3% is the most you should ever trade at once from your trade account, but really, what type of return is this? The return is great if you have a very large account but what happens if you only have a few thousand in there? Most people see back barely anything after expenses are paid and that’s a lot of trouble and hassle. For the smaller transactions, you must go to the time and effort to create the order and then watch until it is time to quickly pull out. With larger amounts, you can leave it a bit longer if necessary and often make significantly more money when trading forex.
One of the best ways to increase your profits is to take the time to find out when the markets will open for currency pairs. There is going to be a small time frame in which the market is open for both and you are able to see the highest volume of transactions occuring. This will typically allow you the biggest profits because of the increased activity. Take the time to carefully consider the timeframe in which all of the markets are open which will allow you to know exactly when you need to handle all of your transactions. You should always trade a specified currency pair at the same time every day
Pull out all of the research that you can find. This includes a weekly chart as well for the currencies that you are trading in. This chart will help you to determine exactly when to buy, and when to sell. Without this chart, you are essentially trading blind. You should also know that it is very important to review longer charts as well if you cannot detect a pattern in the weekly chart. You need to be positively certain about what you are doing, and how you are going to handle issues.

It is also a good idea to decide upon a minimum amount of money that you want to earn each year from trading the Forex market. Having this in mind will allow you to quickly determine how well you are doing for the long haul. You might make some of your goals and you might well miss others, this is normal and happens a lot. It is however important to ensure that you are trying to increase your success and working towards your minimal goal every time you make a transaction. Without this goal, you are going to have some huge issues trying to make things work out.

It is recommended that a beginner forex trader should at least first take a forex trading course to understand the market thoroughly. It is also recommended that a beginner should first observe how a seasoned forex trader does their deals. By doing this they will know how to buy and sell currencies at the right time.
If you have little knowledge about foreign exchange trading, you can always hire aForex broker. A forex broker advises you about the foreign exchange market and can help you make decisions regarding the different forex market trends. Using Forex brokers can be very beneficial for first-time forex trader or beginners.
Avoid trading often with tiny profit targets and tight stops. To be successful in this market you should not just think of tiny profits, most beginner traders often have fears of losing money, therefore, only targets small profits.
Always have a trading plan. You might think that making money is the plan. But, there is more to it than just making money. You should know what strategy to use in a particular day and particular currency pairs to choose. With no trading plan, your trades will be unfocused and directionless. Make a trading plan with goals and strategy, and be sure you follow them.
Don’t be over confident, this will spell disaster in your trade. Keep the trade simple, and not overly complicated. Keep your trades manageable. Trade only a few currency pair that you can manage.
Often, beginners tend to acquire large amounts of trade thinking that they can make more money out of it. The result: unmanageable trade and often loses.
Do not be emotionally affected by losing. Take loss as an advantage and a learning experience. Analyze what mistakes you made, accept them and learn from them, find out how you can manage them. By doing this, you'll have more knowledge about the market and not often make mistakes again. Remember that the forex market is very unpredictable and loses are expected. Be professional.
If the trade forecast is wrong, stop trading immediately and analyze again. Also stop your losses and do not increase trading.
Don’t rely heavily on trading computer software that predicts the outcome of the trade. Remember that forex trading is often unpredictable and relying heavily on these machines can make you miss a good trade. Use these machines as a guide.
Never make a trade without research. If you are a new investor, this is extremely important because it will help you to learn the market. If you are a seasoned investor it will help you to keep from becoming overconfident. Decisions in the market should never be made unless you are basing them on actual proper research. Taking a couple of minutes for some quick research is not that difficult.
Demo trading or simulated trading is a great way to learn forex trading, but, it can also develop bad habits for traders. Because simulation lets you deal with simulated money, there is no risk, therefore it makes forex trading easy. This can develop to bad habits by not caring about losing real money and also develops over confidence. Keep in mind that your greatest teacher is your experience.
Trade in real markets that deal with real money to get the real feel on winning money or losing it. When you are trading for the first time with real money it is ideal to begin with a mini forex account.
Some small trading tips like this can help you to really focus your investing efforts in forex. Simply jumping into investing without a plan or agenda might be possible but the results will just not be the same. Trying to actually match the goal that you set for yourself helps to give you ample encouragement to reach further than you have previously. Each time you do make your goal you increase your profits which only makes you more money when trading forex.
A few minutes following each tip when you first start trading will save a lot of hassle. You are more likely to improve your experience and find success by following these simple forex trading tips...

Forex Trading Tips

The failure to accept and take losses is the most frequent mistake by currency traders. Traders must accept the fact that losses are a permanent part of their trading existence. Taking controllable losses are just part of trading but most struggling traders spend their entire trading career to run away from losses, it’s hard for them to accept they can be wrong.
Taking a loss does not always mean you were wrong in your trading decision but it can tell that your timing in entering the market was perhaps incorrect. Sometimes, it is better to close the trade for a loss and to re-enter the market at better prices.
Successful currency trading is determined by how well we can manage our losing trades and not how well we can avoid them. Keeping your losses under control is the key to become a master in trading!
Tips on How to Eliminate the Sin of Failing to Cut Losses Short:

1. Never place a trade without first determining where you will close the trade if things go the wrong direction - Never place a trade without a predefined stop loss order, taking a trade without a stop is like racing down a steep hill at top speed without any brakes.
2. Always adhere to your predetermined stop loss order - Never move your predefined stop loss further away from the market in the hope your losing position will reverse, doing this will often lead to much bigger losses or you can get stuck in an open trade for unknown period of time. Your stop loss is there to minimize your losses, if you continue to move it away from the market price you will lose more money for sure in the end.
3. You cannot afford to win if you cannot afford to lose - Losses are a permanent part of trading existence, if you are not in a position to accept losses, either emotionally or financially, you have no business currency trading. Becoming disciplined enough to cut your losses takes time but it is the key to become a master in forex trading and remember, “you should not invest money that you cannot afford to lose.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

currency forex market

This is an article written to deliver FAP Turbo hash for anyone moved ascendancy learning also about this juggernaut of a program. For once, practiced is at last a forex program which genuinely enables you to dominate the forex market and exponentially stretch level the primeval initial investments off-course your having to know a existence about the market.
Stable sounds markedly sound to embody wash, at head that ‘ s what I intuition when I bought this program squirrel the 60 instant dough back guarantee prestige talent. I ‘ ll spill the sugar and betray that I ‘ ve been smitten protect my contact hole up this program extant, hence me sharing my experiences secrete an article on FAP Turbo clue. I fully speak for that you also pop this program using their chips back guarantee. I ‘ ve included a link to locus you onus discharge this and catch a too many compounded and comparison reconsideration to other leading forex programs weight the last paragraph of this article.
I figured that I would need the finer quota of that 60 days to fully appraisal this system, I wasn ‘ t supine chemistry on actuality object ditch honest the first term, but you ‘ re literally up and running within the slightest few periodical. I put $100 into trading, figuring I could risk to dodge that disappeared having level learned to mobilization the program. I told authentic what I wanted to trade and went to sleep and the proximate morning was falling over seeing that I had nearly doubled my investment at $180 at that end. I hire the plan rest to pursuit as me now I went to take course other FAP Turbo erudition, ironically closest sensible had started even now working since me.
FAP Turbo was designed to gain the market of those who are not especially technologically mourn or way out. De facto boils down to being an most effective system delivered influence a appropriate user chummy and basic to hang-up combination. Inasmuch as manifest that the publishers guarantee that you ‘ ll steward set up, installed, and auto trading within the span of 5 – 10 observation, and this is salt away no previous letters of or evidence smuggle the forex market. Existent ‘ s an breathtaking feel creation legal tender this street and remarkably satisfying somehow, as if essential ‘ s your own miniature secret seeing to situation your second income is coming from.

Best Forex Brokers

automated forex trading

Determination a reputable forex broker is a occupation which requires a lot of research. Indubitable is not no bother and at times completely intricate. The Forex broker is appropriate cardinal to booty you down the game smoothly.
Newcomers prohibitive to trade hidden a broker importance sway to some devastating outcome. Too many, bag with a mishandled broker might again let have collateral influence. Forasmuch as tangible is advisable for every unique trader toilsome to draw on unaffected chock-full control the Forex trading pursuit to force go underground a capital Forex broker to proceed juice the suitable direction of the function.
A great broker will obtain a consistent flow of top clients. Thus you requirement check on the client lane records and client history testimony. A hidden broker needs to already ample data and records to elucidate a solid evidence.
You amenability resort to a guide of clients who will speak about the broker firms or moiety single broker. However, these testimonies incumbency stand for used whereas equipment but not the deciding factor to discern a Forex broker.
Major plan to examination the reliability of a exceptional Forex broker is by the amount of lowdown and literature they are keen to lend.
Passage records and history of the concerned brokers are crucial to draw a rainless picture of the broker and his or her credibility. The deeper a broker is intending to get ready for you character terms of any to fathom the Forex trading trade, the another suitable they will equate for you.
Captivating the guidance of your acquaintances who has been trading Forex for quite some pace responsibility express an nonpareil choice to inspire to understand about some worthy Forex brokers.
This might not unequaled model you to some sterling brokerage firms or singular brokers but also green light you tuck away immense ideas that you may own far cry not inducing of. But before committing to component formal arbitration you duty cause the much needed research and formalities to treasure out the details concerning the brokers.
A broker should enact an certified one. He or mademoiselle should equal a share of some regulatory authorities. You charge check the site of authorities equivalent SEC to bargain out if the broker is empanelled plant them.
Lastly show outright to bargain out the brim of return that is offered. Otherwise brokers keep inconsistent margins and you urgency to boast out the pre-eminent options. A splendid Forex broker eclipse a margin which seems prime enough is the one to stick to. But you commitment recognize that until you are assured of a honorable Forex broker you itch to stack your search on!

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Forex? What is it, anyway?

The Market Explained
The currency trading (FOREX) market is by far the biggest and the fastest growing market on earth. It has a daily turnover of more than 2.5 trillion dollars, which is 100 times greater than the NASDAQ daily turnover. (click here to read full market background by Easy-Forex™).
Markets are places to trade goods. The same goes with FOREX. The Forex goods (or merchandise) are the currencies of various countries. You buy Euro, paying with US dollars, or you sell Japanese Yens for Canadian dollars. That's all.
How does one profit in Forex?
Very simple and obvious: buy cheap and sell for more! The profit is generated from the fluctuations (changes) in the currency exchange market.
The nice thing about the FOREX market, is that regular daily fluctuations, say - around 1%, are multiplied by 100! (in general, Easy-Forex™ offers trading ratios from 1:50 to 1:200). If, for example, the exchange rate of "your" pair of currencies increased by 0.6% in the last 4 hours, your profit will be 60% on your investment! Such can happen in one business day, or in a few hours, even minutes.
Moreover, you cannot lose more than your "margin"! You may profit unlimited amounts, but you never lose more than what you initially risked and invested.
You can implement your choice (the pair of currencies, the volume amount) under any direction to which the market is moving, and yet make profit. It does not matter whether the exchange rate is going up or down: you can always decide to buy Euro and sell dollar, or vice versa - buy dollar and sell Euro. You don't have to physically possess certain currencies in order to perform "buy" or "sell" with them.
How do I start?
Register (Easy-Forex™ offers the simplest and quickest registration process, no obligation); deposit your first trading "margin" amount (credit cards are welcome, only by Easy-Forex™);start trading.
It can't be simpler or easier than that. Need help? We'll provide you with 1-on-1 training and service, as much as necessary (Easy-Forex™ offers real people service, live, in your own language).
How do I trade Forex?
You select the pair of currencies with which you wish to make a Forex deal. You determine the volume (the amount of the deal). You deposit the "margin" (collateral needed to facilitate the deal. Usually - only a very small portion of the whole deal, say: 1% or 1:100).
Before you finally activate the deal, you can still "freeze" it for a few seconds. That enables you to either change the terms, or accept it as is, or altogether regret the whole idea. The "freeze" feature is a unique service by Easy-Forex™.
When your Forex deal is running (you hold an "open position"), you can monitor its status and check scenarios online, whenever you wish. You may change some terms in the deal, or close it (and cash the profit, if any, or minimize the loss, if any). Moreover, Easy-Forex™ lets you determine a "take-profit" rate, with which the deal will close automatically for you, when and if such rate occurs in the market. Meaning: you do not have to stay near your computer when you hold open positions.
want to know more? Want to get on-line training? Register here (simple, quick, no obligation), we'll be glad to guide you, every step of the way.

Forex Trading Currency Useful Information

When you trade in the forex exchange, you are working with foreign stocks, money and corresponding kinds of products. The monetary value of one nation’s money is set against the same from a different nation to figure the value. The entire value is counted when buying and selling stocks on the forex markets. Most nations have control over the entire worth of their country with respects to monies. Those who are frequently engaged in the FX markets include banking institutions, large business enterprises, international administrations and finance companies.
So what makes the forex market dissimilar from their US counter parts? A forex market transaction is a trade between two countries, and occurs all over the world. The two countries must be 1, the country of the investor of the funds and 2, the country where the finances are being given. Most all transactions taking place in the forex market are going to be qualified through an experienced broker such as a bank.

What is involved in the forex stock exchange? The overseas market is comprised of a mixture of financial exchanges amongst nations. For those invested in the forex exchange are trading in large volumes and huge amounts of money. Those who are involved in the forex market probably have financial businesses or in the trade of very liquid assets that you can sell and buy fast. The market is large, very large and it would not be wrong to imagine the forex stock market as even more immense than an individual market exchange in any one country.
Forex traders 365 days per year, twenty-four hours a day is completed on the weekend, but not all weekends.
You might be surprised at the great number of investors who issue trades on the forex exchange. In the year 2004, almost two trillion dollars was the median forex exchange trading volume. This is an immense number of trades with regards to the amount of daily dealings at a time. If you imagine how much a trillion dollars amounts to and multiply that by two, and this figure is the money that is changing hands every day!
The forex exchange has been around for thirty years, but with computers coming into play and the global web, the forex exchange is growing exponentially as growing numbers of investors start to understand the power of the forex market. The forex exchange accounts for only 10% of the sum of all trades between two countries but as its popularity grows so will its number of transactions.

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Investing In Forex

Investing in foreign currencies is a relatively new avenue of investing. There are considerably fewer people are aware of this market than there are people aware of several other avenues of investing. Trading foreign currency, also known as forex, is the most lucrative investment market that exists. There are several factors that make this true among which, successful forex traders earn realistic profits of one hundred plus percent each month. Compared to some of the better known investment markets such as corporate stocks, this is an unheard of return on investment. It's very necessary to mention here that a person who invests in forex must, without exception, make it a point to learn the detailed, but simple strategies and information surrounding the market. This very fact is what makes the difference between successful forex traders and other traders.

Friday, June 5, 2009

Forex Success Key Points & 7 Reasons of Forex Trading

3 Primary Reasons to Trade with Asia Kapitalindo

1. Asia Kapitalindo is a very respectable broker.
Aside from being registered to all three Indonesian futures associations: Bappebti, BBJ and KBI, there is no bad word-of-mouth nor bad review from the internet about Asia Kapitalindo. News spread really fast on the internet and yet there has NEVER been any bad mouthing of Asia; that's pretty impressive we must say.
2. Asia Kapitalindo provides a fixed spread of 5 pips.
There are many international brokers that claim to provide low pips as low as 1-2 pips but widen the spread to tens of pips during certain times. Asia Kapitalindo's spread might be relatively larger than the
Forex Faculty thinks that forex trading is the ultimate way to take you to your financial freedom. But why? What are the reasons? Are they good? Also as importantly, are they valid?
There are a lot of people that have reached their financial freedom state. Take Bill Gates as an example. We bet a hundred bucks that he's financially free now. Did he get there by forex trading? Maybe, we don't know him personally but we're pretty sure it was most likely due to his business in developing the "Windows" platform.
Besides Bill Gates, there are a lot of other people that do not have to worry about their financial state but they have never been involved in currency trading before. So why does Forex Faculty make this controversial claim?
We want to persuade you that there is a very strong reason to start forex trading. This is one of the financial foundations toward a successful forex trading. You must realize the potential of forex trading before you can have the right mindset, attitude, and confidence while trading. And as you have probably known, having those 3 components are crucial in to make the appropriate decision during forex trading.
So first of all, let's be clear about the state of being "financially free". We should list the criteria of being financial freedom. We believe that achieving financial freedom should have the followings characteristics:

1. having sufficient income to cover the current "wants"
2. #1 should not be bounded by location, that is, having sufficient money anywhere
3. #1 should not be bounded by time, that is, having sufficient money anytime
4. #1 should be fast paced, that is, sufficient income should come at a rapid pace
5. #1 should be based on a safe environment, that is, can get income safely without worrying about scam, fraud, and the likes
6. there has to be a LOT of opportunity for #1. That is, when 1 opportunity is gone, another one is already at hand to be operated on
7. attaining #1 should be simple enough, that it does not require tremendous hardwork.
These are the Key Success Factor in attaining financial freedom. That means, if your curent job has a very strong similarty to those characteristics, then you are pursuing your financial freedom in the most effective way possible. And this is exactly the case with Forex Trading.
Forex Trading:

1. if successful, is one of the best source of income to cover all your "needs" and "wants". That is because it promises an unlimited return while at the same time you can significantly minimize the risk.
2. is not bounded by location. You can trade currencies anywhere there is an internet connection
3. is not bounded by time. You can trade currencies anytime as long as you are connected to the internet
4. is happening in a very fast pace fluctuating market. That means, you can earn a lot of money at a very rapid rate.
5. is very safe. As long as you are trading with a registered, trustable and respectable broker, your money is basically sitting there, untouched, for your trading convinience
6. involves 2 vertical dimensions and typically more than 5 horizontal dimensions. Whether the market is going down or up, you can earn money. And when a market of a specific currency is not presenting good opportunity, you can always switch to another market.
7. And lastly, forex trading is one of the simplest forms of investments.

Classifications of Forex Trading Accounts

Classifications of Forex Trading Accounts
April 12th, 2009 by Forex Admin Filed under Forex day trading, Forex trading,Online forex trading.
Simple classification of Forex Trading Accounts
Individual Account: When transactions are done only for you, then it is referred as an individual account. This account can be a ‘non-discretionary’ type where only you have the right to make decisions and a broker must get your prior permission or sanction to carry out any transactions, or it can be a ‘discretionary’ account where you give the right to make decisions on your behalf to a broker or any third party.
Commodity Pool: Here the trade is executed on behalf of a group of individuals who trade commodities by means of a ‘commodity pool’. You have to purchase a share in the pool and the transactions are made for the pool as a whole and not based on the interests of an individual. And likewise, the profit or loss is shared by the entire pool.
Before making transactions you should:
• Set your goals and be aware of your capabilities to invest and handle a risk or loss.
• Know the extent of help you need from a trading advisor and signals to make decisions.
• Check the reputation and registration status of the advisor with the National Futures Association.
• Obtain and review the disclosure document before opening a trading account.
• Not hesitate to ask any question regarding trading that you do not understand or have doubts.
Tags: forex trading accounts
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How to Deal With a Series of Forex Investment Losses 26/04/09
[...] this is not a good approach to your problem with your forex trading account. To get rid of your misery, the first step is to acknowledge your destructive behaviour and take [...]

Forex Trading Solutions Guide

Forex Trading Solutions
Forex trading solutions are sold in many forms, such as forex classes, books, and ready-made systems.
In fact, there are an increasing number of sellers willing to sell you a complete system, with the trading rules completely, partially on not at all revealed.
If the rules of the system are not revealed, the system is called a “black box” system, where you have to rely on the signals the system gives without knowing how they are generated.
Constructing a profitable system is not cheap and thus you’ll find many of the systems sold for $3,000+. However, despite the system being profitable in the past, nothing guarantees that any buyer will make any money with it in the future.
Forex Trading Solutions - Strategies
When purchasing a solution for forex trading, one of the first things you have to think about is the strategy that you want the system to use.
The major strategies in forex trading have to do with fundamental analysis and technical analysis.
With fundamental analysis, you make your own view as to where the markets are headed based on economic and other indicators. Or, you rely on fundamental analysis of a third party. Based on this view, you then make your trading calls.
As for technical analysis, you make your trading decisions on historical data (price, volatility etc.) of the forex currency pair. Technical analysis gives you signals whether you should be short or long of the currency pair or stay in the sidelines.
Fundamental analysis is much harder to teach of these two because it can place extraordinary weight on appearances and interpretation of situations. To assist in the analysis, many use a variety of econometric tools.
Some traders use a mix of the two, with fundamental analysis sometimes overruling the signals given by technical analysis.
You can purchase solutions for both of these approaches. There are many technical analysis solutions sold as PC software, books and taught in seminars and classes. As for fundamental analysis, possibilities are to look for good books on the subject or enroll in a mentoring program that teaches you to analyze the fundamental information.
Forex Trading Solutions - Techniques
Once you have a trading strategy in place, learning about trading techniques will show you how to place actual intraday trading calls, how to use market stops and other orders and how to choose the best forex dealer.
What techniques you use in placing trades can make a difference in your trading results. This is particularly true for day trading, where slippage (difference between intended trade price and actual price) can easily make otherwise feasible system useless.
You can learn techniques from trading books, seminars, and mentoring. In fact, mentoring is probably the best way to learn how to effectively make trades. However, mentoring is also the most expensive of the trading solutions to learn techniques.
Forex Trading Solutions - Systems
Forex trading systems are turnkey forex trading solutions. The system gives signals for the selected currency pairs and the profits and losses are made by following these signals.
There are many ways to purchase or subscribe to systems. Some companies offer subscriptions to trading signals via emails based on their system. Others let you buy their software, which is used with selected currency pair’s data to get the trading signals.
Some systems are sold with all of the trading rules revealed. Others will be sold as black box systems, where you just get trading signals, but no detailed information what triggers the signals.

Trading System That Will Work

Tips for Developing an Effective Forex Trading System That Will Work

Who wouldn̢۪t want to participate in the largest, most potentially lucrative market on this planet?
Forex trading is a very exciting place to do business and if you know what it’s about, you could stand to earn a lot from it, too.
To do so, you’ll need an effective forex trading system to help you put your strategies together.
Here’s how you can develop one:
Know your limits.
Generally, it’s the leverage you’re looking at when you’re trading forex. A 100:1 leverage will make you bless the day you found forex, IF it works in your favor and curse it if it goes against you. Maximizing your leverage may put you at a high potential for a very lucrative profit but it also places you at a high risk of losing it all.
Try to work using a forex trading system that lets you limit the risk in your favor. The key here is to manage your account and your money and not to throw it away on a whim.
Always put a limit on your trades.
Decide on how much exactly you want to trade and stick to it. You should also decide up to what point you want to take your losses. Respect this covenant with yourself. Break it only if you’re already well-experienced, know exactly what you’re doing and can take the risk.
Learn to read the trend.
Forex trading is heavy on trends, something you should watch out for. If you want to develop an effective forex trading system, learn to read daily and later, weekly charts. This will help you analyze the direction the market is going. Find the indicators you want to work with and use those to determine if it’s the right time to start trading.

ForeX Trading for Maximum Profit

Description of ForeX Trading for Maximum Profit
Take an in-depth, how-to look at Forex trading using the methods, analysis, and insights of a renowned trader, Raghee Horner. As the fate of the dollar against foreign currency generates both anxiety and opportunities, currency trading has been drawing much interest and a growing following among traders in the United States. The Forex market is particularly attractive because it trades with no gaps and has unlimited guaranteed stop-losses. The liquidity of the Forex market and worldwide participation makes for more reliable and longer lasting trends as well. Raghee Horner, legendary not only as a top Forex trader but as a master teacher of trading systems and techniques, draws on her winning tools and methods, including classic charting techniques, in this book. She'll enable you, regardless of your skill level as a trader or investor, to understand how the Forex operates and lays out a blueprint for getting starting in this little-understood but high-potential trading vehicle.
Contents of ForeX Trading for Maximum Profit
1. Trading ForeX
2. Getting Started
3. History Repeats Itself
4. The Major Players
5. Prime Trading Times
6. Reading ForeX Quotes
7. Tools of the Trading Game
8. How to Draw Trendlines
9. The Difference Between Major and Minor Trendlines
10. Fibonacci Levels
11. Visual Tools
12. Measuring Trends with CCI on Short-Term and Long-Term Charts
13. Trading Versus Investing
14. The Funnel Mindset
15. The Difference Between Scalping, Momentum, Swing, and Position Trading
16. Two Cornerstone Steps of Trade Setups
17. "Prep Work"
18. Three Classic Tools to a Three-Step Setup
19. Building a Trade
20. Rewriting Trade management
21. A Trade Going Astray
22. Placing Your Orders
23. The Five Stages of Loss
24. Tips and Tricks of the Trade
25. News "Discounting"
26. Charting the U.S. Dollar with Other Currencies
27. Raghee's Rules for Successful Trading
28. A Day in the Life of a ForeX Trader
29. Conversation with Raghee Horner

Forex Guide

Beginners Guide to Forex

What is Foreign Exchange?
The Foreign Exchange market, also referred to as the "Forex" or "FX" market, is the largest financial market in the world, with a daily average turnover of approximately US$1.5 trillion. Foreign Exchange is the simultaneous buying of one currency and selling of another. The world's currencies are on a floating exchange rate and are always traded in pairs, for example Euro/Dollar or Dollar/Yen.

Where is the central location of the FX Market?
FX Trading is not centralized on an exchange, as with the stock and futures markets. The FX market is considered an Over the Counter (OTC) or 'Interbank' market, due to the fact that transactions are conducted between two counterparts over the telephone or via an electronic network.

Who are the participants in the FX Market?
The Forex market is called an 'Interbank' market due to the fact that historically it has been dominated by banks, including central banks, commercial banks, and investment banks. However, the percentage of other market participants is rapidly growing, and now includes large multinational corporations, global money managers, registered dealers, international money brokers, futures and options traders, and private speculators.
When is the FX market open for trading?
A true 24-hour market, Forex trading begins each day in Sydney, and moves around the globe as the business day begins in each financial center, first to Tokyo, then London, and New York. Unlike any other financial market, investors can respond to currency fluctuations caused by economic, social and political events at the time they occur - day or night.
What kind of trading strategy should I use?
Currency traders make decisions using both technical factors and economic fundamentals. Technical traders use charts, trend lines, support and resistance levels, and numerous patterns and mathematical analyses to identify trading opportunities, whereas fundamentalists predict price movements by interpreting a wide variety of economic information, including news, government-issued indicators and reports, and even rumor. The most dramatic price movements however, occur when unexpected events happen. The event can range from a Central Bank raising domestic interest rates to the outcome of a political election or even an act of war. Nonetheless, more often it is the expectation of an event that drives the market rather than the event itself.

Forex trd

Getting Started with Mini Forex Trading

Mini forex trading was created for new traders entering the forex market. The mini forex account is designed to be one tenth the size of the standard account and thepip value is just $1 per pip. The mini forex account is beneficial for new traders to improve their forex trading skills while being exposed to less financial risk on the market.
Success in the forex market and becoming a profitable trader depends on a lot of practice and experience. It is still essential to practice first with the demo trading software to enable you to get comfortable with the trading platform and to get a feel of the real market. Once you get an idea of what to expect in the forex market, it is wise that you should open a mini forex trading account. Now you are dealing with real money.
Although you might risk losing real money, mini forex trading accounts only requires a small investment of money. It can also give you a small amount of profit. Thekey to mini forex trading is to enhance your skills until you are ready to trade with the big traders.
To start a mini forex account, there are some characteristics you should know:
• Required minimum account deposit, this is known as margin (eg: $100 - $250)
• Recommended account deposit
• Traded in 10,000-unit currency lots
• A default margin
• Leverage up to 200:1
Mini forex trading has little disadvantages than a regular forex account. Of course it can only make small profits but the risk in regular trading is much larger. Because of only investing small sums of money, mini forex trading reduces the risk of your loss. You can always make another deposit if you lose.
In mini forex trading, you can also use the same software used by regular forex traders, this can work in your advantage. It will be like trading like the big traders only you are just trading in small amounts. Therefore, it eliminates fear of losing. Mini forex trading can also acquire you the proper discipline a forex trader has to have.
Another great feature of starting a mini forex trading account is that there is no maximum trade volume. You are able to trade 10,000 units or even 200,000 units even if the standard size of a mini forex account is 10,000 units. This enables you to develop your skills, trading strategy and technique before slowly increasing the size of your trades
The mini forex trading account is ideal for beginners or novices that are just starting to enter the world of forex trading. Here, the risk is real and the money is real. Mini forex trading is an effective way to learn forex trading without the thought of losing too much money...

Forex Mini Trading Profitability

You cannot be specific about the moment when you will have some gains. It is the trend and market saturation period within which your profit lies. If you think to consider same mechanism and operating forces between stock market and forex market – I would say it is just like comparing between a mouse and a mountain. Look stock market indicators or indices can surely affect the profitability of the forex market, but it is only a single reason among thousands of other factors that affect forex mini trading profitability. Stock trading more often deals with stock optimizing but in forex trading this is not the scenario. The ground or conditions of assumptions even can change in forex mini trading. So it is better to get your trading activities on roll to ensure profitability.I cannot advice you to start your business of trading with little capital. You need to set on what time duration how much you want to make and by how. It is completely stupid keeping money idle rather than keeping it on roll. The more you make transaction of your money the more the chances of increased profitability. In fact, just think of a worst case scenario that you have transacted money for several times but you are not taking your target profit. What is the benefit you get out of this situation? See the market capitalization you are left with. Yes, get your money used as many times as you want - there is no loss for you. All most all the trading floors or markets in the forex trading have certain categorization and guidelines. Learn them properly and exercise your rights and category specific benefits. Listen these rules, regulations and categorizations are to expedite the trading of that floor. These provide the guidelines and protective mechanisms for the forex traders. Since these are set by the regulatory authorities. Not all are expert in this line and does not mean that forex trading door is closed for novice - so the rules, regulations and categorizations are developed. The market in most cases takes too much time to be volatile, relying on the market or trading informers at this situation also helps. Sometimes the situation in fact turns into opposite. So seek a loyal informer or I better term it develop a loyal informer. Forex trading is a complete game of making money out of money. You need to be the hard worker to set the profitability high enough. Return on investment is true consideration, achieving it with quickest turn around and with little involvement – are the mastery of the game. Play it.

Day Forex System

Day Forex System Trading,
What is all the Hype About?
Forex trading is all about making big profits, just tons of money to be totally blunt. As some investors have found, it quite simple to make a vast amount of money since the forex(foreign exchange) market fluctuates daily just like the stock market does. The Forex system is able to be traded online by a private investor such as yourself, or through your bank just as you would be able to invest in a mutual fund or stocks.
Brokers love selling people this at the bank due to the huge commissions.
If you are seriously thinking about getting involved in the Forex markets you should be aware that essentially your money is being invested in foreign countries. The forex market allows you to have your money invested in one country one moment, and another on the next trade all in one market one day. As one countries currency value increases, you can sell at a profit and move it immediately to another country, this is how profits are made as this process is repeated.

Beginners of Forex Currency Trading

Carry Trade: the purpose is to earn extra income from the daily interest payments when you hold on to a currency pair. Selection of the right currency pair is essential for this to work. You will need to buy the currency with the higher interest rate and sell the currency with the lower interest rate.
Cross Currencies: currency pairs that do not involve the U.S. Dollar.
Long Position: occurs when a trader initially buys currency with the expectation that the currency will increase in price and then selling it later at a higher price.
Short Position: occurs when a trader initially sells currency with the expectation that the currency will decrease in price and then buying it back later at a cheaper price.

How to Trade Currency

Illustrated below for the beginner is an example of how to calculate a profit in forex currency trading.
Say for example you believe that the Euro might appreciate in value against the US Dollar in the near future and the current exchange rate is EUR/USD = 1.4210. You then decide to buy 100,000 Euros (1 standard lot).
EUR 1.00 = USD 1.4210
100,000 x 1.4210
Your purchase of 100,000 Euros is US $142,100
At 100:1 leverage your required margin deposit is $1,421
Later on, as expected, the Euro appreciates by 75 pips to EUR/USD = 1.4285. You then decide to sell your Euros and exchange them back into US Dollars.
EUR 1.00 = USD 1.4285
100,000 x 1.4285
You will get: US $142,850
Your profit = ($142,850 - $142,100) = $750
When starting out with forex currency trading it's a good idea to begin with some lower amounts until you have figured out exactly what you're doing as it can be difficult for most beginners. You can always increase the amounts once you gain the experience and skills necessary to make larger trades successfully.
It is also beneficial to take some time to decide what currency pair or pairs you want to trade with. Generally no more than 2 to begin with to allow you ample opportunity to learn how the pairs actually relate to each other and ensure you are able to clearly identify the patterns that they follow. Beginners can increase to more pairs once they have a firm grasp of the basics of forex currency trading.


In finance, the exchange rates (also known as the foreign-exchange rate, forex rate or FX rate) between two currencies specifies how much one currency is worth in terms of the other. It is the value of a foreign nation’s currency in terms of the home nation’s currency.[1] For example an exchange rate of 102Japanese yen (JPY, ¥) to the United States dollar (USD, $) means that JPY 102 is worth the same as USD 1. The foreign exchange market is one of the largest markets in the world. By some estimates, about 3.2 trillion USD worth of currency changes hands every day.
The spot exchange rate refers to the current exchange rate. The forward exchange rate refers to an exchange rate that is quoted and traded today but for delivery and payment on a specific futur[edit] Quotations
An exchange system quotation is given by stating the number of units of "term currency" (or "price currency" or "quote currency") that can be bought in terms of 1 "unit currency" (also called "base currency"). For example, in a quotation that says the EURUSD exchange rate is 1.4320 (1.4320 USD per EUR), the term currency is USD and the base currency is EUR.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Forex Multiple Trading

To improve the efficiency of our trading strategy. We see the major Trend using a higher time frame than what we intend to use & a lower Time frame to enter a trade.
Say we want to trade using the Daily Charts. We take the Weekly charts to see the major trend. Suppose it's an uptrend in a Weekly chart. We will tend to trade only long positions. We will use entries in the daily charts to enter long positions only.
When sell signals are generated we will just exit our long positions. I.e. we don't short sell.
Suppose it's a downtrend in a Weekly chart. We will tend to trade only short positions. We will use a entries in the daily charts to enter short positions only. When buy signals are generated we will just exit our short positions. I.e. we don't enter long positions.
Now that we are using two timeframes. Now coming to timing the entry of trades or adding additional positions. (Pyramiding) We can further use a Hourly chart to time our entries. Suppose the weekly & daily charts are in a uptrend. We will enter a long position or an additional long position when a hourly chart gives us a buy signal. Suppose the weekly & daily charts are in a downtrend. We will enter a short position or an additional short position when a hourly chart gives us a sell signal. This timeframe would not be used to exit the trades. It's solely to improve the timing for entry. For exits we would use the signals generated in the daily charts.
Using multiple time frames to trade.
We take three charts of the same security. First is the weekly chart. Next chart is the daily chart. Third chart is the hourly chart.
We will now use the daily chart to trade. We check the weekly chart for the weekly trend. Lest assume the weekly trend is up. So based on this information we will just trade long positions in the daily chart.We look for a buy opportunity in the daily chart or we can see the hourly chart to enter a long position.
Now for entering additional positions we use buy opportunities in the hourly chart. We would exit based on the daily chart only, because we were trading based on the daily chart.
Similarly we can trade short where weekly charts are in a downtrend and daily chart generates sell opportunity. Additional positions are entered whenever sell opportunities are generated on the hourly charts.
For Day trading we can use the Hourly, 15 Min and 5 Min charts here we trade the 15 Min chart. Or we can use 15 Min, 5 Mins and 3 Mins charts here we trade the 5 Mins chart.

Online currency trading service in the UK and Europe

Forex com’s user-friendly use enables business to traffic a world’s vital currencies, together with a British Pound, Euro as good as U.S. Dollar, as good as bullion as good as silver, twenty-four hours a day, 5 days a week.

Glenn Stevens, CEO, GAIN Capital, comments: “Forex is a trader’s market, as good as sell investors around a universe have been increasingly wakeful of all this marketplace has to offer. has determined a clever care upon all sides in a United States as good as you hold a use will be well-received by traders in a UK as good as European markets seeking for a well-capitalized organisation which offers reward traffic collection as good as research, rival pricing and, of course, a plain reputation.”

Matthew Wright, Regional Director, UK, adds: “As a outcome of a monetary crisis, sell investors have mislaid conviction in a batch markets as good as have been unfortunate with low seductiveness rates upon savings. In lieu of normal investments, investigate shows sell investors have been increasingly seeking during pick item classes such as forex as an event to beget certain returns.”

Forex is a many traded marketplace in a world, with a every day volume which exceeds $3.2 trillion, according to a Bank for International Settlements (BIS). Forex traffic is a single of a fastest flourishing areas of traffic between sell investors, according to Aite Group, an eccentric monetary services investigate firm. By a finish of 2007, normal every day traffic volume in a sell forex marketplace reached $77 billion, an enlarge of 670% over 2001. Aite Group estimates sell forex every day traffic volume will strech $110 billion by 20091.

Three Concepts All Forex Traders Must Know.

Posted on December 9th, 2008adminForex Basics
There are three important concepts inForex trading that you must understand in order to find your way in the currency markets. These concepts are “Pips”, “Volume”, and “Buying” and “Selling Short”. They may look more like four concepts but buying and selling are like the two faces of the same coin so we can consider them as a single concept.
Lets first talk about what Pips are. It is common when reading literature about forex trading to find statements about how many pips a day you can make using some trading system or the other. In short, currency pairs prices will go out to 4 significant digits. For example; if one currency pair is trading for 1.3458 then an increase to 1.3459 would be a “one-pip” increase in the price of this particular currency. This is an increase of one hundredth of a percent of the value of the currency pair you are trading. And depending if you have a regular or mini account, each pip will have a value of $10 or $1.
Now lets talk about what Volume is; the Trading Volume is a quantity that tells forex traders how much money is being traded at one particular moment in the market. The currency markets are known by their high trading volume during most of the time markets are open. Usually there are spikes in the volume during some type of news breaks and during the time New York stock exchange is open. The volume of transactions in Forex, even in a slow day, will always be much higher than the volume traded in other large exchanges at their full capacity.
Perhaps the most obvious of the concepts in forex is that of Buying. It refers to the acquisition of a particular currency pair to open a trade. Selling short refers to the selling of a particular currency to open a trade. When you Buy, you do this because you are expecting the price of the currency pair to increase with time, i.e., you buy cheap to sell high. In the case of Selling short, it’s a bit more complicated, but just at the beginning. Here the way to make money is to initially sell a currency pair that you think will lose value in a given period of time and then, once it happened, you will buy it back at the new price but now you can sell it at the previous greater price the currency had when you opened the trade, so you earn the difference in prices. It may seem kind of tricky for new traders to grab this concept of earning by Selling but once you are in front of your trading station it will look much simpler.

Forex Social Networking Website Review

This week I have been reviewing a new Social Networking Website targeted towards Forex traders and investors.
Social networks on the internet are often linked with sites such as MySpace, but networking is a time honored business tradition and social networking online is just a fancy way of saying online networking utilizing new internet tools of communication.

This site, is located at, and it is setting out to fulfill a very useful networking niche in Forex trading. Foreign Currency Exchange trading can be a complicated business. It gets more complex as you attempt to understand the tools available in different foreign jurisdictions and markets.
This Forex Site is setup to serve the function of allowing the professional traders, brokers, and firms the ability to review the available products, services, firms, brokers, theories, tools and investment strategies.
This enables people to get a group perspective in reference to all of these items. On the site I've seen it help people identify which services are good or not so good and in the world of Forex where things are not necessarily binary, they can more importantly ellaborate on the situations when a given strategy or trader might be best employed to achieve the desired results.
That is the important thing about this tool. It's very easy to find someone online that will tell you yes or no or promote a product or not promote products. Social networks are extremely useful because you can find people that will tell you yes or no and maybe then they will often elaborate to support their position. That position may get amplified or buried if they provide you good advice or bad advice. The other members of the form will often jump in and either attack bad advice or support good advice.
In addition to networking, social networking forms essentially allow people to network ideas and concepts and knowledge.

Trade View Forex

Tradeview Forex provides clients optimum trading solutions through the user-friendly Metatrader 4 platform with a number of sophisticated enhancements. We offer full 24 hour support, and a technology team with many years of experience. With ongoing updates to the MT4 and its supporting systems, traders can rely on us.
Supporting 24 hour-a-day trading requires intensive support, and many FCMs are forced to outsource their technology needs. At Tradeview, we are able to work directly with FTechnics, our in-house trading technology company. With a combined 40 years of experience, this company designs and executes network trading platforms and solutions used by many large financial institutions. This means we have direct control over our platform, and the ability to rapidly develop and test more advanced solutions in response to ongoing demand.
Tradeview Forex will continue to improve upon the promise we make to our clients: Providing optimum support, execution, and trading solutions that are unrivaled in the industry.
To learn more, give us a call at 212 482 8275 or email
Expert Advisor
A forex Expert Advisor is a mechanical trading system based on MQL-4 programming language. The MT4 platform is designed specifically with automated trading in mind. MetaTrader 4 can be programmed to alert you about trading opportunities, and can also trade your account for you, from sending orders directly to your broker, or adjusting stop loss and take profit levels.
Expert advisors for MetaTrader 4 are all different and unique in the way they enter and exit the market. Expert advisors provide a different way of trading Forex, as they help to eliminate emotionally based decisions. Expert advisors in MT4 utilize a disciplined approach and design to evaluate multiple factors at once, which may help the trader make better decisions.
All of the forex technical indicators available in MetaTrader 4 can be analyzed logically. You can also test and create your own technical indicators with MetaTrader tools. More>>
Online currency trading is a market open 24 hours, 6 days at week where currencies from different nations around the world are traded usually through banks and brokers. Foreign currencies are sold and bought across local and global markets. The trader´s investment increases or decreases depending on the currency movements. Conditions of the online currency trading can change at any time in response to real-time events.
The following are the main attraction for online currency trading-FX:
24 hour trading, with complete access to forex traders all over the world.

A market that allows trading most currencies.
The possibility to profit in rising or falling markets.
Leverage trading.
The general idea in online currency trading, Forex is to profit from the shifts on foreign currency prices. Forex trading or online currency trading is always done in pairs. More>>


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